
Edinburgh Family life in a Ford EcoSport


We were recently asked to test drive the Ford EcoSport to see how it stood up to family life in Edinburgh. I don’t cover a massive amount of mileage a year around Edinburgh but equally I wouldn’t survive long without a car. A car is crucial for our school-run and getting the kids to all their various activities throughout the week. So, I have three key features that I look for in cars – safety, comfort, and coffee cup holders – the more the better.

Early on Saturday morning, I took Katie and Ben off to Peoples Ford Edinburgh to pick up the Ford EcoSport. We had arranged to meet Marc Jacobs who would show us round the car and get all the tech sorted.

For fear of looking like I knew nothing, I had swotted up in advance. But on being shown round the car, I quickly realised that the main thing I had noticed was the colour availability. There was a lot more than I realised.Read More »Edinburgh Family life in a Ford EcoSport

3 tops tips for using Real Nappies at Nursery

A common question I see on Real Nappy Groups is about using Real Nappies at Nursery. Or more specifically whether nurseries are willing to use reusable nappies, and the best brand to avoid problems.

On the whole, our experience of having Thomas at nursery in real nappies has been very positive. The nursery were willing to use them from the outset and have done their best to get things right.

I would however, add the caveat that we have put a few pre-emptive measures in place to prevent problems. When we first mentioned cloth nappies, there were a few puzzled faces and lots of questions. I thought it would be quite useful to share what we’ve done!Read More »3 tops tips for using Real Nappies at Nursery

November in Retrospect

Time can be a funny thing sometimes. In some ways it feels like November has simply flown by, but when looking back an awful lot has happened. It’s like Halloween was both yesterday and a life time ago. Although I’m definitely going to yesterday given that there’s still jack-o’-lanterns sitting in my garden! I’m aware at how quickly the kids are changing and wanted to take some time to just reflect on what’s been happing. Hence, I give you November in Retrospect:


Read More »November in Retrospect

Philosophy series: Copleston

Returning to work after maternity leave has meant a lot of change. Although I’ve returned to a familiar world of work – things are undeniably different.

When I returned to work after Katie, I would cry on my way to work each day, feeling irrepressibly guilty that she would be sad or somehow suffer from me not being there. Having seen her come through the nursery system and develop into a boisterous child, brimming with happiness and self-belief, I know that she’s not been damaged by the experience at all.

With Thomas, although I miss him each day and think I would rather be taking them to the park. I don’t feel neglectful. Rather, I think I’m more regretful about things I may be missing and just fervently hoping that I’ve made the right decision to work.Read More »Philosophy series: Copleston

Philosophy series: Montaigne edition

Michel de Montaigne is perhaps one of my favourite philosophers. Rather than spouting obscure phrases or finding ethereal ideas – his writing was very much based upon the real world. He could be considered something of a narcissist as he largely wrote about himself, but as his anecdotes were largely combined with insightful observations about the world… I think he can be forgiven.

Montaigne believed that many people were unhappy because they felt inadequate in some way. For anyone who has lacked self-esteem at any point, this is an easy concept to identify with!

Montaigne identified different areas that he felt were particularly problematic – our own bodies, society as a whole and the world of intellect. It strikes me that although Montaigne was writing in the 15th century – his ideas still pervade the world today.Read More »Philosophy series: Montaigne edition

Parenting: Explaining Easter to small kids

The Easter holidays are fast approaching so naturally thoughts are  forming as to how best to celebrate this festival with the kids. As with Christmas, I’ve been concerned that Katie knows a bit too much about chocolate and bunny rabbits, rather than the actual meaning of Easter.

Whilst we’re not a particularly devout family, we do attend church from time to time and I do actually have a degree in Theology. But how on earth do you explain Easter to a three year-old? Especially a three year-old who sobbed her heart out through the entirety of ‘Tangled’ because the bad woman took the baby and tried to hurt people.

Can you imagine how this conversation would go?Read More »Parenting: Explaining Easter to small kids