Williams and Johnson Coffee
Some people navigate the city by pubs, others perhaps actually acknowledge streets signs, whereas I undoubtedly get around by my map of coffee shops. One… Read More »Williams and Johnson Coffee
Some people navigate the city by pubs, others perhaps actually acknowledge streets signs, whereas I undoubtedly get around by my map of coffee shops. One… Read More »Williams and Johnson Coffee
#Gifted – I first became interested in Interiors as a teenager and decorated my own bedroom with the most horrific scheme imaginable. I would seriously… Read More »Interior Design with Skela Studio
Food markets are a highlight of Edinburgh weekends for me. So with the arrival of a sunny weekend, I took the opportunity to meander round the Shore at Leith whilst checking out the new(ish) food market there.
Katie had been up at half-five that morning so I guessed she wouldn’t be up for a long walk. Rather than being deterred I stuck her in the buggy and set off at a decent pace for once! She asked to get out (when spying the canons) but on the whole was happy to sit and take in everything that was going on. I did think she looked a little ridiculous as her legs are so long now that they almost drag on the floor. However, I caved into demands and gave her a dummy so thought maybe she would just look like a rather large baby.
Read More »Food: Sunshine on Leith food market