Magical Reads Beyond Harry Potter
As an Edinburgh resident and parent of two young bookworms, I’ve spent countless hours exploring the city’s literary gems and searching for the perfect books… Read More »Magical Reads Beyond Harry Potter
As an Edinburgh resident and parent of two young bookworms, I’ve spent countless hours exploring the city’s literary gems and searching for the perfect books… Read More »Magical Reads Beyond Harry Potter
Still making the best of my Kindle Unlimited subscription, I have continued with my reading challenge this month. As a result I have a number of books to review and recommend!
I’ve always enjoyed reading and am aware that I have probably read a fair number of books over the years – but I’ve never actually kept track of how many. After seeing ‘Good reads’ popping up on my Facebook page, I thought it would be fun to set a challenge of reading 52 books over the year.
I have no idea if this is more or less than I usually read but I thought it a reasonable number to help me get good value from Kindle Unlimited!
With a hectic half term with all three kids, and a poorly Thomas I’ve found my reading time a little restricted this month. I’ve managed to read eight books, two however being Short Stories. This isn’t a genre that I’ve opted for before but I find it difficult to shop on the Kindle, so have often picked books a little randomly! It’s certainly made for some interesting reading:Read More »Design: February Reading Review
I was lucky enough to receive a subscription to Kindle Unlimited as a Christmas present last year. Whilst on the face of it this is… Read More »Kindle Unlimited Recommendations