How are you feeling about plastic this Christmas? I think many of us are feeling a bit uncomfortable with not only the plastic many kids toys are made up, but also the amount of packing they come in, the huge boxes they’re sent it… and that doesn’t even include the wrapping we then add.
It’s also no surprise, that many posts have been shared about just reducing the amount we buy. People are asking for ideas of ‘things to do’ rather than possess and without a doubt… Edinburgh has the answer. It always does!
- Don’t shop on the internet and support local business instead. This way you avoid on excess packaging and see exactly what you’re getting. There’s an awesome new Wooden Toy Shop in Canonmills you could check out. Treehouse in Stockbridge have a brilliant array of toys – not to mention books and clothes. I also spied a BEAUTIFUL array of eco-friendly products in Bon Tot over on St Stephen Street.
- I’m totally in love with some of Edinburgh’s Independent Book Shops – who also have awesome calendars of kid’s events to check out. Golden Hare Books remains a firm favourite as does the Edinburgh Bookshop over in Morningisde.
- Obviously the Edinburgh Christmas Market is up and running but don’t forget about the myriad of School Christmas Fairs complete with a wide array of independent crafters selling all kinds of handmade items. The creative scene in Edinburgh is amazing with so many unique gifts to be found.
- Rather than having an advent calendar with ‘things’ why not opt for experiences? They don’t have to be expensive – maybe a picnic by the Christmas tree or a disco to Christmas tunes in the kitchen. But building memories has the added bonus of no unnecessary landfill.
- There’s some brilliant top family days out in Edinburgh all year round – but there are so many extra things to do at this time of year – from ice skating to visits with Santa. Whilst wondering down George Street last weekend my kids were happy just looking at how beautifully some of the buildings were decorated – so it’s definitely worth a look in.
- Aside from Bruntsfield New Leaf Co-op who have been waving the eco banner for a long time now, it’s been great to see the emergence of the Eco-Larder on Morrison Street. They stock a great selection of plastic alternatives… perhaps gift ideas to ‘encourage’ the in-laws to make a few positive switches?
- Morningside and Stockbridge particularly have some awesome charity shops which are always worth a search. If I can find a gift in a charity shop I see it as winning in at least three ways – I’m helping a charity, saving money AND reusing an unwanted item. Awesomeness all round!
- On the gift wrap front, I interviewed the awesome founders of Wrag Wrap last year – who admittedly are not from Edinburgh – but remain a great option. But why not source a tea towel from Flux in Leith or one of the National Galleries – and use that to wrap things? Then you’ve got two gifts in one!
If you’ve got any ideas for sourcing eco-friendly gifts – particularly in Edinburgh – this Christmas then please for share! This post isn’t sponsored – I just hope that you’d be encouraged to get out there, support some local businesses and think about the environment a little. I’m also hoping for snow and time with friend’s this Christmas… but that’s not really something I can write much about!